Thursday, October 2, 2008

Covering acne redness

« ...Even mild cases of acne can leave a person with a negative self-image. Sometimes it can go well beyond the degree of the actual physical appearance. These negative feelings are particularly prevalent when you have a concentration of lesions on your face, which is your greeting card and introduction to the world. Unlike many other skin conditions, acne lesions wind up on areas that often aren't concealed by clothing....
...The actual pimple is usually the result of bacteria entering an open skin pore causing the body to react with millions of white cells to destroy the invaders. As the white cells defend and die they cause an inflamed area that turns red (pimple) which over time becomes an even greater mass of dead cells that can form a pus pocket (white head). If a pimple isn't treated properly it can evolve into an acne scar, however, you can avoid scarring by treating acne breakouts early on....»

«...There are specialized acne skin care products available over-the-counter, they do not require the need of a prescription. Skin care products have been formulated to extract the excess oil that bacteria need to promote the development of acne. These products have benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid as ingredients which the bacterium reacts badly too....»
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tags: acne medicine during pregnancy, beer causes acne, remedies to get rid of acne spots

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