Monday, August 4, 2008

How to clear up post acne scars and acne scars home remedy

Papules and pustules may be present but are small and few in number (generally <. Multiple open and closed comedones are present, with few inflammatory papules.
You can also make it clear once there that you want to treat this condition naturally and ask them what they would recommend based upon your skin type. This will cost you a little money but the information you will receive will benefit you in a number of ways.
One thing about acne... ONE size certainly does not fit ALL. It's "multi-factorial," to borrow a phrase from one dermatologist. So don't let someone on some acne website boil everything down, and make you believe that acne has ONE, and only ONE cause. They'll usually give you some 'schpeel' about "the true cause of acne" which ends up being nothing more than an over-simplification of a few factors, i.e., "the liver," or "inflammation."
tags: foods i should eat if i have acne, best way to get rid of acne marks, whats the best procedure to remove acne scars

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